For suggestions, support, and general inquiries please use the contact form, please use your accounts email address in the form if you are a customer so we can reference your account. For all inquiries we aim to respond within 8 hours and Over weekends and public holidays in 24 hours.
Depending on the Listing type and duration. There will be a packages for your requirement. See Pricing
For us our clients are are really important. We are continuously improving our service to our customers. If you can not get the information you require contact us explaining your request by e-mail. or use our convienent Contact form
Yes. WATERBERG.ONLINE have made each listing type to have a review area, once you gain reviews your page is then given a rating, which is reflected on your banner and mini listings. Ratings help potential customers to make an informed decision.
For the best looking listing we have a few recommended image sizes:
All images uploaded to WATERBERG.ONLINE are compressed to serve your page at the best load times.
NOTE: When uploading images there might be a short delay when this process runs in the background
Subscriptions can be cancelled anytime from within your dashboard. Please note that there are no refunds for any remaining time of your subscription when you cancel. You can find full terms and conditions Here
To make sure that listings stay current, we charge a low fee. You can chose form 3 plans with different Terms. All plans stay active throughout your subscription Term and renewal is manual, you will be required to renew.
You can also stop and start your listing by e-mail to support. Expiry date will not be affected.
Yes. We support both Vimeo and Youtube, you can find the video URL path when creating your listing or editing an existing listing.